Complications of acupuncture for weight loss

Complications of acupuncture for weight loss

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Complications of acupuncture for weight loss are very rare, however, in some cases, people may experience infection, bleeding, and bruising. These symptoms usually disappear after the course of treatment, but if you continue to have complications, you must inform your doctor. Due to the sensitivity of the acupuncture method under the supervision of experts, you can visit Dina Clinic, the best medical center in East Tehran.

To avoid the dangers of acupuncture, the doctor must use sterile and disposable needles, and first of all, the treated area should be cleaned with antiseptics. We recommend that you visit reputable and specialized clinics to perform the treatment safely and benefit from the benefits of acupuncture.

The most important side effects of acupuncture for weight loss
Complications of acupuncture for slimming and weight loss occur in the form of infection, pain and bleeding. In some people, this method is an effective treatment for solving problems related to body metabolism, irritable bowel syndrome, and even treatment for flatulence and gastritis.

In order to have positive results and avoid possible complications, it is better to see a specialist and experienced doctor who is familiar with this method. It is also very important to observe health and safety tips before each session to reduce side risks. The most important side effects of acupuncture for fat burning include the following:

Infection in the treated area
One of the most important side effects of acupuncture for weight loss is infection. People usually notice redness, pain, fever and swelling. The occurrence of infection can be due to the use of non-sterile needles or treatment procedures in non-specialized and invalid clinics.

If a person has skin diseases or wounds in the treated area, this can cause infection in the desired area and cause other diseases. Usually, the symptoms of infection disappear after a few sessions, but if symptoms persist, it is better to inform the doctor as soon as possible.

Bleeding can occur if acupuncture needles are inserted into an area of ​​the body that has large, vulnerable blood vessels. This risk will be higher in people who take anticoagulants.

To avoid these risks, the doctor should use thin needles and apply sufficient pressure on the place where the needle is inserted during the treatment. You can also use ice and cold compresses after each acupuncture session to stop bleeding. However, if the bleeding continues, it is a sign of serious injury and you should definitely see a doctor.

Muscle spasms
If the needles used irritate the muscles of the abdomen and flanks, thighs and buttocks, muscle spasms or twitching may occur. This risk is higher in people who use anticonvulsants or have muscle problems.

In order to prevent this complication, you must inform your doctor about your condition and avoid excessive muscle stimulation.

To perform acupuncture for weight loss and fat burning, refer to specialized and reputable clinics. Dina Clinic, as the best medical center in Tehran, with experienced medical staff, performs the treatment procedures safely and through the best techniques, and by providing care instructions, the possibility of any possible complications is minimized.

occurrence of nerve damage; Of the complications of acupuncture for weight loss
One of the side effects of acupuncture for weight loss that can affect the abdomen and sides is nerve damage. This problem can cause burning, numbness, limited range of motion, and itching.

Nerve damage occurs due to inserting needles with high pressure into the treated area. When the needle hits the nerves, it causes inflammation and swelling near the nerves and can cause irreparable damage. This complication can be permanent or temporary and in some cases surgery will be required.

Extreme fatigue, dizziness and nausea
Some clients feel tired after acupuncture. These symptoms may last up to three days. Excessive fatigue indicates that the body needs rest. If these symptoms persist for a week or more, you must inform your doctor.

Dizziness, nausea, restlessness, and vomiting are the most common symptoms after acupuncture for fat burning, and this state can be caused by nervous system stimulation, energy changes in the body, or increased blood circulation, which are usually temporary.

Summary of contents

Complications of acupuncture for weight loss include bleeding, infection, nerve damage, and fatigue and lethargy. One of the chronic risks of this method is muscle spasm or severe bleeding, which can threaten people's lives.

Due to the sensitivity of the process of treatment and weight loss and fat burning through acupuncture, be sure to visit specialized clinics, including Dina Clinic. Experienced doctors will perform the treatment procedures with the least amount of complications using modern techniques and through standard needles.

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