Correcting club feet with exercise

Correcting club feet with exercise

Blog Article

Correcting club feet with exercise is not a definitive treatment method, but it has a great effect on improving the shape of the legs and preventing the deterioration of this disease. Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali, a pediatric orthopedic specialist, prescribes mild and moderate exercises to correct genuedema at any age.

Performing some sports and corrective movements in the long term helps to correct the shape of the leg bones, but mostly it has the aspect of protecting the knee. Because one of the side effects of braces is severe injury to the knee joint, which is accompanied by pain and inflammation.

Performing some sports and corrective movements in the long term helps to correct the shape of the leg bones, but mostly it has the aspect of protecting the knee. Because one of the side effects of braces is severe injury to the knee joint, which is accompanied by pain and inflammation. For this, you should choose mild exercises that do not put too much pressure on the knee and also strengthen the muscles.

In the following, we will introduce a variety of sports and corrective movements to correct braces, stay with us.

Correcting club feet with exercise
Exercise is the best way to maintain health and is involved in the treatment of most diseases. The most important aspect of exercise is to get away from stress and lose weight. Losing weight plays an important role in the health of knee joints and thigh muscles, and if done correctly, it prevents most joint injuries.

There are many light exercises to treat clubfoot that you can do after consulting with Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali.

Exercises recommended for genovarum correction:

Corrective movements
Sports that are not suitable for braced knee:

The correct way of walking has a great effect on the treatment of this condition. When walking on paths that have a flat surface and are created for this purpose, try to walk straight.

For this purpose:

Do not walk on your toes.
Do not walk on heels.
Keep your head and neck straight.
Do not bend your foot inwards.
Walking prevents the deterioration of club feet by increasing blood circulation in the legs and improving and strengthening the thigh and leg muscles.

Swimming and hydrotherapy
Performing corrective movements in the water puts less pressure on the joints than performing the same movements outside the water. In fact, hydrotherapy has a high effect on strengthening bones and the percentage of side effects is also less. Reducing pain and inflammation is one of the benefits of swimming for club feet.

Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali does not recommend doing this exercise for people who have severe arthritis and knee infection or who recently had surgery. But using a stationary or moving bicycle is very useful for correcting the leg brace because it strengthens the hip and thigh muscles. Be sure to wear medical shoes for cycling.

Yoga is one of the stretching exercises that, in addition to increasing the flexibility of the body, also strengthens the muscles. Gentle yoga reduces joint pain and inflammation and is a great way to treat knee problems.

Correction of club feet with Pilates exercise is one of the most important methods suggested to patients by orthopedic specialists.

See the general benefits of Pilates:

Increased flexibility
Strengthening the muscles of the back and hips
Increased control over body muscles
Prevention of skeletal injuries
Increase body awareness

All the benefits that we have listed for Pilates exercise help to treat knee braces, so never neglect this exercise.

Corrective movements
Performing corrective movements should lead to the strengthening of the muscles of your hips, thighs and legs, thereby curing the arch form of the foot.

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Below we explain some of these movements and how to do them:

leggap movement
Lie on your side on the floor.
Place your head and neck comfortably on the pillow.
Bring the upper leg forward and place its sole on the ground.
Slowly raise the lower leg.
Repeat this movement for several sets.
Strengthening thigh muscles with weights
Lie on your back on the floor.
Place a light weight between your ankles.
Bend and straighten the knees slowly.
In this movement, pressure should be felt on the thighs.

Spread your feet shoulder width apart.
Keep your back and spine straight.
Bend until your knees go past your toes.
For better results, you can do this movement with a ball.

Raising the leg while lying on the side
sleep on your side
Raise one leg as high as possible.
Wait a few seconds.
Then repeat this movement.

bridge movement
Lie on your back.
Bend your knees at 90 degrees and align them.
Slowly raise your hips.
Wait a few seconds.
Then repeat the same movement.

Plank from the side
Use your right hand for support on the floor.
Place your elbows and wrists on the floor.
Pull your body up.
Place your right ankle on the floor.
Put all your weight on your hands.
Place the legs parallel to each other.
Raise the other hand.
Stay in this position until the muscles are tired.
Do the same movement with the other side of the body.

Summary of the article
Correcting clubfoot with exercise is a complementary method along with other treatments for this condition, and this method cannot be relied upon for definitive treatment of genovarum. Exercise and corrective movements can only prevent the deterioration of the situation.

Of course, continuous exercise under the supervision of an orthopedic specialist may improve the shape of the legs in the long term, but it is very time-consuming. The treatment of clubfoot at a younger age at the Children's Orthopedic Center by Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali is easily done with exercise and physiotherapy. But the treatment of genovarum in adults is a more difficult process, and in acute conditions, the need for osteotomy surgery is felt more.

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